Monday, January 4, 2010

Assignment #5

An increase in profanity or foul language is indicative of a decline in society's morals. This is such a question that should not even be considered for debate. A rise of ill-mannered human behavior and the fall of the idea of a peaceful, respectful world surely demonstrates an exponential decline in society's morals. Take for example foul language being used on televisions that are broadcasting all over the world to people of all ages, including children. Is this what we want to show the youth of our world, that the correct way to respond to argument and debate is simply to raise ones voice and proceed with foul mouthing your opponent with an over sized vocabulary of profanity? What of the people in this world striving for peace. Should peace not include a respect for others? A concept of learning to understand an individuals point of view and showing a person respect whether or not you agree with their take on a subject, the increase in profanity will yield the opposite of this in our future society.

Many of the individuals reading this will undoubtedly be from a country based on freedom. I would primarily like to bring up your freedom of free speech. Your very own country was based upon the idea that you can voice your opinion in any way you see fit, and that you as an individual reserve the right to how you will voice your ideas and views. A rise in foul language is in no conceivable way indicative to a decline in society's morals. It is simply the citizens of a country flexing their rights and using them. We all have the ability to think and judge a person based on the way they speak, act and many other factors. Profanity as an expression of ones self is in no way harmful to morals of any sort it is simply voicing your point of view in the form of speech you see fit. If you believe a person deserves to feel your anger by voicing profanity at them it should be fine to do so. As the famous line goes, "If you don't flex your rights you're going to lose them".

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