Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dave Cooks the Turkey

"Sure I can do that" is the response Dave gives his wife Morley when he agrees to take care of the turkey dinner for christmas. He has no idea how big of a burden this turkey will turn out to be. Stuart Mclean the author of the Vinyl Cafe stories uses many humor techniques to bring his stories about an average family living in toronto to life. Situations that the listener can relate to will often peak more humor for that individual, and Stuart Mclean is a master of the its funny because its true technique. Many families deal with frustrations as they try and cook the perfect turkey dinner for christmas. In the story "Dave Cooks the Turkey" Mclean uses Dave to ilustrate a hilarious series of events of Dave trying to take care of the task on his own, including forgetting to buy the turkey, having to go to a hotel to have the turkey cooked in time, all while drinking scotch and navigating through encounters with his neighbor Jim and his mother. Another technique he uses is imagery. "Standing in their bedroom staring at each other, incomprehension hanging between them" is a good example of this, as it is easy to picture Morley and Dave standing in disbelief at each other. Many of his jokes utilize this technique and because of how his humor generaly relates to the everyday person it makes it even easier to visualize the settings and situations Mclean describes. His humor is a Canadian classic and is known all around the country.

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